Design, audiovisual production and digitization of tailor-made learning content

Our design system at SmartMind is distinguished by having a shared language with precise concepts, enabling us to work efficiently and effectively. This common understanding allows us to swiftly identify the core aspects, complexities, and advantages of each project. Our design model analyzes the key factors that need to be considered and organizes all the elements required to create the best content in each production.



Know the needs and goals of the project


Visualize all the keys of the project in a briefing



Set the execution strategy and synchronize


The importance of personalized content

Digital learning content is the vessel that transports the challenges and knowledge that individuals and companies rquire to grow.

The digitization of learning content, graphic and editorial design and specialized audiovisual production define the territory in which we move on a daily basis to create the best elearning content.

It is this precise balance and our commitment to aesthetic ambition that sets us apart and ensures our ability to fulfill our objective of driving transformation within the training sector. Through the development of engaging learning experiences, we strive to deliver exceptional results for individuals and companies who place their trust in us.

Our design division and production circuit

In this phase we work as a perfectly synchronized machine.
Design, by its very nature, is a dynamic process that constantly seeks new and improved paths.

We create content with

Our team. Rhythm, harmony, and direction

From an external perspective, it may appear challenging to orchestrate numerous elements and factors and ensure they all come together at the right time.

Every team must discover its own model and design system that suits its unique needs and goals. This model is not a fixed entity but a living system that evolves, improves, and grows over time.




The team that makes it all possible


Writers and Authors are included


Graphics, editorials, and UX/UI

Audiovisual production

At SmartMind, we are equipped with state-of-the-art recording studios, a team of skilled producers, and talented motion graphics artists.


Linked to Custom Technological Developments

We have established successful collaborations with leading training consulting firms and prominent corporations.

Are you interested in exploring personalized course demos and delving into authentic success stories?

Tailor-made developments require a confidentiality agreement between company and supplier. Here, we present two excerpts from customized courses developed for prominent corporations, highlighting the success and the value we bring to our clients.

Some of the typologies of our
Tailor-made developments

Audio and video

Interactive graphics


Activities and
interactive videos

Graphic design and
editorial design

Motion graphics

What is our approach to tailor-made courses?

Design encompasses the art of understanding and finding optimal solutions when it comes to creating and structuring content.

Layer system

In the digital age, students tend to engage in information scanning. If they find it compelling, they delve deeper into the subject matter, but if it fails to captivate their attention, they are likely to disengage. This requires us to present our content through a layered structure, meaning we create dynamic content with multiple levels of depth that act in an integrated way

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